Local sluts in Tetovo

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Video Leonora
Location: Tetovo
22 years old

About Leonora

straight cute and nice body here looking for excellent body massage. I have excellent 420 and can help with roses

i have table, oils

send pic...hurry. I am wanting nsa.

I can be active and passive as you wish.i have 18 cm thick present for you. All my service will be offered safe sex only. . Location: your town . I wish to meet guys who are very interested in giving and getting pleasure.. I woke her up in the morning caressing her beautiful body with hands. Kisss. Bye Bye; ). Write to me, sweetheart!


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Sexual Fantasies:

✅Soft domination
✅Dinner Dates
✅Fisting vaginal
✅Golden shower (in)
✅Sex anal


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  • Leonora 0
  • Leonora 1
  • Leonora 2
Location: Tetovo
34 years old

About me

Just a few pointers on how to make the CL dating scene a bit more successful for all (I'm not picking on women here, as much of this advice is apropos to both genders).

1) We're all vain, but when you post a picture, don't pick the best photo of you ever taken. I'm more interested in seeing an photo of how you'd look under normal circumstances, and I'm guessing that I'm not the only person who's met someone from craigslist and thought Holy Mary mother of Jesus!, what the eff? Given the right lighting and the perfect angle I could make the Elephant Man look smokin' hot.

1b) Don't post a photo of a sunset, mountain scene or a babbling brook. Lame, lame, lame, and don't make me tell you why. It just is.

1c) A photo of you on a motorcycle wearing a helmet or a microscopiy tiny pic of you way, way down a hiking trail sets of alarm bells for us. LOUD bells.

1d) Post a recent pic. A 35 year old woman sending a high school photo is wrong on so many levels. So, so many levels...

It should be noted that the vast, vast majority of men aren't looking for a model-hot woman, as we're far more flexible about looks that you might imagine. We just want to avoid the occasional, crushing disappointment that a non-representative photo can cause. We're all about avoiding the pain.

2a) If you're fat, say it. Don't say big or curvy or well-proportioned or the dreaded and overused Rubenesque. Let us know. There are chubby-chasers out there who'd be interested in you. Truth in advertising works!

2b) And don't say I could stand to lose a few, as this is the same as saying I'm fat. We don't want to meet someone who's getting ready to fix themselves by losing weight. Lose it first, then post here.

3) Please don't tell us you've been hurt in the past. Everyone over the age of 18 -women AND men- have been crapped on and abused in a relationship. In the end, if you're still hurting, don't post until you're ready, as we don't want the burden of having to prove to you that all the men in the world aren't rotten, knuckle-dragging scoundrels.

Ta ta for now, and you're welcome! Enjoy your sunday.
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